GWD Privacy Policy

A. Introduction

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our website visitors. This policy details how we handle personal information. When you first visit our website, if you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy, it means that every time you visit our website thereafter, you allow us to use cookies.

B. Copyright Notice

This document was created based on a template from SEQ Legal (, modified by Guo Weidong.

C. Collection of Personal Information

The following types of personal information may be collected, stored, and used:

Before disclosing another person's personal information to us, you must obtain the disclosed party's permission in accordance with this policy to disclose and use the disclosed party's personal information.

D. Use of Personal Information

Personal information submitted through our website will be used for the purposes described in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website. We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

If you submit personal information for publication on our website, we will publish your personal information and use it for other purposes in accordance with the license you have granted us.

You can restrict the publication of your information on our website through your privacy settings, which you can adjust using the privacy controls on the website.

We will not provide your personal information to any third party for their or any other third party's use in direct marketing without your express consent.

E. Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurance companies, professional advisors, agents, suppliers, or distributors as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this policy.

We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group (this includes our subsidiaries, ultimate holding company, and all of its subsidiaries) as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this policy.

We may disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

Except as otherwise provided in this policy, we will not provide your personal information to third parties.

F. International Data Migration

The information we collect may be stored, processed, and moved between any countries in which we operate so that we can use it in accordance with this policy.

The information we collect may be transferred to the following countries, which have different data protection laws than those in force in the European Economic Area: United States, Russia, Japan, China, and India.

The information you post on our website or the personal information you submit for publication may be globally accessible via the Internet. We cannot guarantee that such information will be prevented from being used or misused by others.

You expressly consent to the transfer of personal information described in this Section F.

G. Retention of Personal Information

Section G sets out our data retention policies and procedures, which are designed to ensure that we comply with our legal obligations regarding the retention and deletion of personal information.

Personal information that we process for any purpose or use shall not be kept longer than is necessary for that purpose or use.

Without prejudice to Clause G-2, we generally delete personal data falling into the following categories on the following dates/times:

Subject to this Section G, we will still retain the following files containing personal data (including electronic files):

H. Security of Personal Information

We will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent personal information from being lost, misused, or altered. We will store all personal information you provide on our secure (password and firewall protected) servers. All electronic financial transactions conducted through our website will be protected by encryption technology. You understand and agree that the transmission of information over the Internet is inherently insecure and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the Internet. It is your responsibility to keep the password you use to access our website confidential; we will not ask for your password (except when you log in to the website).

I. Amendments

We may update this policy from time to time by posting a new version on our website. You should check this page from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes to this policy. We may notify you of changes to this policy by email or through the private messaging system on our website.

J. Your rights

You can ask us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you; providing such information is subject to the following conditions:

To the extent permitted by law, we may retain the personal information you request.

You can ask us not to use your personal information for marketing at any time.

In practice, you will usually give us your prior express consent to use your personal information for marketing purposes, or we will provide you with the option to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.

K. Third Party Websites

Our website contains hyperlinks and details of third party websites. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties.

L. Update information

Please let us know if the personal information we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated.

M. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. This identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: persistent cookies will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until their set expiry date unless deleted by the user before the expiration date. Session cookies will expire at the end of the user's session when the web browser is closed. Cookies generally do not contain any information that can identify a user, however, the personal information we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. {Choose the exact words that we use on our website only session cookies/persistent cookies only, or both session and persistent cookies.}

The names of the cookies we use on our website and their purposes are as follows:

The vast majority of browsers allow you to reject or accept cookies, such as:

Blocking all cookies will negatively affect the usability of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use the full functionality of our website.

You can delete cookies already stored on your computer, such as:

Deleting cookies will negatively affect the usability of many websites.